Courses Category

Specialising in connecting skills development initiatives to operational requirements and the new BBBEE codes of good practice we have made priority elements achievable to our clients.

Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes

The purpose of this unit standard is to facilitate learning and to ensure that learners are able to cope with learning in the context of learnerships, skills programmes, and other learning programmes. Many adult learners in the FET band have not been in a learning situation for a long time, and need learning and study strategies and skills to enable successful progression.
Learners competent at this level will be able to deal with learning materials, to access and use useful resources, to seek clarification and help when necessary, and apply a range of learning strategies. They do this with an understanding of the features and processes of the workplace and occupations to which their learning programme refer.

Learners credited with this standard are able to:

  • Find and use suitable learning resources
  • Use learning strategies
  • Manage occupational learning programme materials
  • Plan and gather relevant information for use in a given context
  • Function in a team
  • Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning

That learners are already competent in terms of the full spectrum of language knowledge and communication skills laid down in the Revised National Curriculum Statements up to and including GETC, or the unit standards at NQF level 1.

Connect with us

1013 Clifton Avenue, Lyttelton, Centurion, Gauteng, 0062
CETA accredited training provider (ACC / 17 /07 /00005)

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